A tug-war has been raging between the government and the TBAs with the former feeling that TBAs are a health danger to their clients.While this may be so, we need to appreciate the fact that stamping out the TBA practice may not be as easy as is expressed.
Perhaps a closer look at the factors contributing to the high rate of TBA deliveries in the community would enlighten the government on the measures to take. TBAs may not be necessarily an old woman in the village who has no information on hygiene.It could b a young woman who can be trained and empowered to help emergency delivery cases in the community and who know the appropriate action to take whenever the life of a client is threatened.
In a recent press interview,Dr. J.M Kiragu a Nairobi obstetrician said that TBAs are a fundamental part of the health platform. He said that the traditional practitioners handle a bulky bit since there are many successful deliveries performed by TBAs. "Empowering them would be the most appropriate thing to do in order to make the them a bridge between the health facilities and the community"
But an expectant mother noted that the health facilities were expensive and the health workers unfriendly. "The traditional attendants are kind and not expensive and when there are no complications,the delivery is as good as the one done in hospitals" she said.
The integration of TBAs in health facilities is an issue that need redress. Given the right tools, the TBAs are able to disseminate information to their clients and know how to protect themselves, their clients and the lives of many unborn babies.